The latest in the ReFED webinar series Following the Roadmap to 2030: Taking Action to Reduce U.S. Food Waste by 50% takes place on September 22: Reshape Consumer Environments. Here’s the description:
Wednesday September 22, 2021 1:00 pm EST
Consumers generate more surplus food than any other sector, and while poor food management is a big cause, a portion of that waste occurs because of decisions made by other actors throughout the supply chain. How can shopping, cooking, and eating environments evolve to help consumers waste less – and what’s needed to shift our overall culture to place more value on food?
Priyanka Malhotra, Senior Brand Manager – Hellmann’s
Helen White, Special Advisor, Household Food Waste – WRAP
Sophie Egan, MPH, Co-Director, Menus of Change University Research Collaborative
Brett Jenks, President and CEO, RARE
Upcoming webinars in the series include:
- October 20 – “Strengthen Food Rescue”
- November 17 – “Recycle Anything Remaining”
To make the most of this and similar online events, be sure to read our article, How to leverage online industry events for your transition to a green job.