People Powered: new Department of Energy podcast series

People Powered

Some inspiration to be had in this new Department of Energy podcast series People Powered, focused on first-hand stories from people who secured clean energy jobs. Here’s the description:

Direct Current, a Department of Energy podcast, is proud to present People Powered, a new series on the real stories of the folks getting their paychecks in the energy sector. There are millions of good-paying jobs in clean energy, and you’ll get a chance to meet some of the people who have jumped into these fast-growing careers.

In People Powered, we’ll share what clean energy jobs are, the training required, useful info like salary and benefits, and the stories behind the people we talk to about their career pathways — and the surprising twists, turns, and leaps that they make along the way. Stay tuned for more episodes!

First episode:

Meet Kaly Moore

For Kaly Moore, solar energy is the career she needed to lift herself out of poverty and kickstart her future. In this episode, we sat down with the Denver-born construction manager for New Columbia Solar in D.C. to chat about why she loves working in solar, how it has helped stabilize and revolutionize her life, and how it feels to make a positive impact on her community every day.

Kaly started out her career with Grid Alternatives, supporting job training and solar installations with low-income communities. That work led her to the East Coast, where she’s moved from an installer role to managing large solar projects with New Columbia Solar, while training to become a volunteer firefighter on the side!

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