How to Overcome Ageism: Using Your Experience to Your Advantage

How to Overcome Ageism

A useful new replay presentation from Lisa Rangel hosted by LinkedIn:


Join us for the next edition of LinkedIn Career Talks! Andrew Seaman and Lisa Rangel will be discussing how to effectively overcome ageism in the hiring process.

Topics we’ll cover:

– Finding employers who value your skills and experience

– Recognizing and addressing signs of discouragement

– Presenting your resume in a powerful, ageless way

– How to use storytelling techniques to shine during interviews


LISA RANGEL is the Founder/CEO of and, the premier executive resume writing and job landing consulting firms, with client success in 88+ countries. Lisa’s mission in life is to continue to make the world a happier place with one fulfilling, well-paying job change at a time using her 4-Step M.E.T.A. Job Landing System. She is a graduate of Cornell University and the first in her family to graduate from college.

ANDREW SEAMAN is the senior news editor for job searches and careers at LinkedIn News. He is the editor of the Get Hired newsletter and the host of Get Hired Live. Before joining LinkedIn in 2018, he was digital editor at Reuters in New York, where he previously served as the news agency’s senior medical journalist. He got his start at Reuters covering the Affordable Care Act and health care policy in Washington, D.C.

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