Want to Change Your Career but Not Sure Exactly How? Start With the 3 P’s

Change Your Career

If you’re thinking of switching careers, then the best book to read is probably Switchers: How Smart Professionals Change Careers and Seize Success by Dawn Graham as discussed on the Suggested Reading page. In the meantime, it’s worth reading this new Inc article:

I spent this morning cleaning out my Feedly and inbox of all the articles, newsletters, and links that piled up over the holiday break. One thing was abundantly clear from reading through so much end-of-year content. A lot of people wrote about how the pandemic made them rethink their lives and long for something different this year.

Maybe that’s no surprise. Psychologists warned us the disruptions of Covid would cause many people to revisit their values and rethink whether their lives aligned with them. And the ongoing Great Resignation suggests that while many low-wage workers are fed up with exploitative labor practices, a lot of more privileged professionals are strung out and unsatisfied with their work lives too.

In short, a ton of people out there are desperate to redesign their lives, but a great many of them are probably still unsure about how to go about it. If that sounds like you, then author and executive coach Ann Hiatt has a suggestion: focus on the 3 P’s.

“Whether you’re making a complete career change or want to refocus your current role on what feels most meaningful to you, pivots can feel dizzying,” Hiatt wrote recently on HBR before offering a simple framework to weigh your options and decide what move to make next. Read the full article on Inc.

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