We’re talking about green jobs. Here’s why.

green jobs

Details of a new series from Working Nation focused on green jobs:

Since our launch in August of 2016, WorkingNation has had a very clear mission: tell stories about solutions to today’s workforce issues and point people in the direction of opportunities that will prepare them for the skills they need to get good, life-sustaining jobs or careers.

For the last two years, we have collectively held our breath while waiting for things to “return to normal.” But as we embark on the year 2022, we face a new challenge—one that is less about getting things back to the way they were and more about embracing a future that is entirely different from what we once imagined.

Social isolation, an unpredictable job market, and financial uncertainty have taken a mental and physical toll on the American worker, who has grown weary and exhausted. At present, it feels like our nation’s recovery hinges on instilling hope for a brighter tomorrow.

So, where do we begin? Our answer is with jobs. Read the full article on Working Nation.

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