Clean Energy Jobs Are Booming, Making Up For Rising Fossil Fuel Unemployment

Clean Energy Jobs

New article indicating the good health of green jobs:

Memo to job-seekers: The United States’ clean energy industry is hiring, faster than the overall national economy, and it’s paying above-average wages.

The 2022 U.S. Energy and Employment Report (USEER), released by the U.S. Department of Energy, details dramatic growth across every major clean energy occupation – especially in the electric vehicle industry. Meanwhile most of the fossil fuel industry continued losing jobs, even as the economy roared back from its COVID-induced downturn.

Overall energy sector jobs rose 4% in 2021, adding more than 300,000 jobs to reach more than 7.8 million total energy-related jobs. U.S. energy sector job growth outpaced overall U.S. jobs growth, which rose 2.8% in 2021. Read the full article on Forbes.

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