A useful learning and networking opportunity for anyone interested in ESG: The CCQI Launches Expanded Scoring Tool, Scoring More Carbon Credit Types, Programs and Standards free webinar on January 31.
Join the Carbon Credit Quality Initiative (CCQI) as we launch an expanded version of our free, user-friendly tool to score different types of carbon credits & release new scoring capability to assess of even more carbon credit types, including avoidance of methane emissions from oil and gas flaring, from leaks in natural gas pipelines, & from livestock manure management & large-scale grid-connected solar & wind power generation.
Founded by Environmental Defense Fund, World Wildlife Fund (WWF-US) & Oeko-Institut, the Carbon Credit Quality Initiative (CCQI) provides transparent information on the quality of carbon credits. This enables users to understand what types of carbon credits are more likely to deliver actual emission reductions as well as social & environmental benefits.
Speakers will include experts from the CCQI team, provide a short demonstration of our expanded tool, present our key findings on quality, & answer questions about carbon credit quality.
Carbon credits must be of high quality to effectively contribute to the global goals of the Paris Agreement. However, not all carbon credits meet these high standards. Transparent & trustworthy information on carbon credit quality can help different stakeholders move the market towards higher quality: Carbon credit buyers & traders can use our scores as part of their due diligence efforts. Carbon crediting programs can use our detailed assessments to improve their rules and methodologies. Project developers can use our findings to design their projects in ways that avoid specific risks.
Moving forward, CCQI seeks to assess more project types & programs to generate as many scores as possible.
If you need help on your green job search check out our online course How to Make a Mid-Career Transition to a Green Job and career coaching service.
Alternatively, if you want to make your current job green, check out our online course Climate Literacy for Business.
Book a free 30 minute discovery chat to learn more 🙂