The methodology behind accurate carbon accounting: free webinar, April 5

A useful learning and networking opportunity for anyone interested in ESG: The methodology behind accurate carbon accounting free webinar on April 5.

The webinar will be presented by these speakers:

  • Dr.  Alexander Schmidt – Head of Science & Climate Research at Normative
  • Cassandra Julin – Head of Global PR at Normative
  • Asna Dodhy – Climate Strategy Advisor at Normative

Join the webinar to gain insights into science-based methodology for carbon accounting, including a look under the hood of Normative’s accurate, comprehensive calculation engine. The webinar will include:

  • What constitutes a high-quality carbon accounting methodology
  • An overview of Normative’s implementation of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol standards
  • An open Q&A session with Normative’s carbon accounting experts.

If you need help on your green job search check out our online course How to Make a Mid-Career Transition to a Green Job and career coaching service.

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