Employer advice from Impact Bioenergy

Impact Bioenergy

Today’s employer advice is from Jan Allen, President of Impact Bioenergy.

Q: Tell us about your organization.

Impact Bioenergy designs, builds, and operates portable, prefabricated bioenergy systems that convert organic waste materials into renewable and storable energy (RNG) and fertilizer with zero waste. Our systems truly deliver a zero-waste solution by recovering the nutrients, energy, water, carbon, and organic matter embedded in renewable biomass resources. Rarely does an opportunity come along that can touch on climate change, energy, water, air, soil, food, jobs, and education simultaneously. This one does. Impact Bioenergy has designed the world’s first integrated, zero waste, regenerative, organic, carbon negative food production system that is mobile and scalable that will produce superior nutrient-dense produce anytime and anywhere. This breakthrough system is called Impact Indoor Farm. It’s getting global attention.

Q: What advice would you give to people in midlife who want to transition to a green job?

Find a topic that you think is fascinating and attend at least one webinar or conference so you can hear speakers talk about their ‘state of the art’ in that space. It is there that you will find a network of people and companies. Find someone that will have coffee and answer your questions in an ‘informational interview’ with you—where you are interviewing them. Be ready to tell them your story.

Q: What are the skills that you believe will be required most in the short-medium term in your industry?

Positive attitude, honesty, flexibility, curiosity. That’s it.

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