WorkingNation #GreenJobsNow Twitter chat on Jan 12


There could be some useful learning and networking opportunities during the WorkingNation #GreenJobsNow Twitter chat on January 12. Here’s the description:

The green revolution is here and it’s gaining momentum. From the manufacturing floor to the back office to the retail store, business leaders are talking about ways to make their workplaces greener. They’re also taking action. Emerging green technologies and larger investments in green infrastructure has created a growing demand for workers with green skills to take these green jobs.

What exactly makes a job green? The answer is not always clear, even to people who may already be working for companies that support the green economy or who are on track to have a green job sooner than they realize.

Workers in core green jobs—solar engineers, hydroelectric engineers, energy efficiency specialists, etc.—probably are fully aware that their work is green. Their job titles define their roles in promoting sustainability. But what about their co-workers at the same companies and the same industries with more traditional job titles, such as marketing manager, salesperson, or electrician? Are their jobs green too?

There are a lot of questions about green jobs and the green economy. Let’s start sharing answers so we can all benefit from the changes to the economy that are creating green jobs now.

Let’s talk about…

  • what makes a job green.
  • the green skills you need and how to get them.
  • which employers are creating these green job opportunities.
  • breaking down barriers to accessing the skills and job opportunities in a growing green economy.

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