Today, Tomorrow, and Beyond: Waste Management: free webinar Feb 9

Waste Management

A good learning and networking opportunity for anyone interested in switching to a position focused on the circular economy: Today, Tomorrow, and Beyond: Waste Management, a free webinar on February 9. Here’s the description:

The IFMA ESUS team is proud to host the Circular Economy in Waste management webinar. This discussion will touch on the conservation of natural resources, sustainable waste management, and support for circular economy that all support the goal of organizations to reduce waste production. Hear about strategies to keep waste materials out of landfill through policy, operational behavior, and employee engagement. Panelists will describe how they have dealt with today’s challenges, pandemic waste and the future opportunities to reduce landfill waste.

To make the most of this and similar online events, be sure to read our article, How to leverage online industry events for your transition to a green job.

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