How Can we Tackle the Sustainable Development Goals with Passion?: free webinar, May 19

Sustainable Development Goals

A useful learning and networking opportunity for anyone interested in ESG and SDGs: the How Can we Tackle the Sustainable Development Goals with Passion? free webinar on May 19. Here’s the description:

In this Conscious Enterprises Network webinar, Manjula Lee, Founder of World Wide Generation, will be discussing the tackling of the UN Sustainability Development Goals to create a world where humankind and nature collaboratively coexist. She will cover three major aspects that are essential to our growth: trust, partnership, and holism. Also, through ten principles, Manjula will take us on a journey for us to regain our life purpose and to create a new flourishing world.

Manjula will explain the importance of trust, partnership, and holism. By the end of this webinar, you will

* Better appreciate the what and the how-to achieve a better life for yourself,

* Free yourself from negative and psychological patterns, and

* How you can participate in the creation of a more harmonious world.

To make the most of this and similar online events, be sure to read our article, How to leverage online industry events for your transition to a green job.

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