The Energy Transition and Jobs: New PwC report

A new report from PwC provides yet another forecast about the looming shortage of green workers:

There is a perception that jobs in the parts of the UK energy sector not linked to renewable, nuclear or low carbon power generation will decline abruptly due to our obligations under international climate law and Net Zero commitments. Such perceptions are influenced by the scars left from the employment losses after the collapse of the mining industry. Whilst this risk is ever present, our analysis provides some positive news. Ambitious targets set to meet net zero by 2050, the subsequent investment into the green economy and the high transferability of skills towards jobs in cleaner energy sub sectors indicate that net employment losses can be avoided. Read the full report of PwC.

If you want more help with your green job search, check out our online course: How to Make a Mid-Career Transition to a Green Job.

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