In case you missed it, in August Ecotopian Careers published exclusive advice for midlife jobseekers from 11 green employers:
- Build It Green
- CED Greentech
- Environmental Business Council of New England
- Clearway Energy Group
- ALBA (Agriculture and Land-Based Training Association)
- Southwest Conservation Corps
- The Trust for Public Land
- Restore America’s Estuaries
- MALT (Marin Agricultural Land Trust)
- Blue Water Baltimore
- WildEarth Guardians
There are five exclusive Ecotopian Careers articles:
- The Happiness Curve and the Transition to Green Jobs
- 2 Big Reasons Why the Green Pivot is the Easiest Pivot
- Free Online Courses for Green Jobs on coursera and edX
- “The Art of Impossible” and “Switchers”: Two great books to inspire your transition to a green job
- The Value of Remote Working to Midlife Jobseekers
Five free training/learning opportunities were posted, which are still live:
- Reuters IMPACT: free online business and climate change conference
- Maryland Clean Energy Center: Connecting to the Energy Economy Speaker Series
- Climate Jobs Summit on September 21: online event
- Climate Reality Leadership Corps Free Online Training, October 16-24
- AARP Online Career Expo: free of charge on September 30
As well as curated advice and articles from other media outlets:
- How do I start a new career in a green job? by Yale Climate Connections
- A stunning second act! Meet the people who changed course in midlife – and loved it
- Environmental Defense Fund podcast series about finding a green job
- The Auto Industry Is Going Green. Will Workers Go Along for the Ride?
- The Fastest Growing Green Skills Globally
- Generation report about the challenges of jobseekers age 45-60
- The Green New Careers Quiz
- Good jobs — the unfinished work of environmental justice
- Here’s how to create jobs and rescue our climate
- ‘Tragedy of today’s employment landscape’: Gen X workers hit hardest by jobs crisis amid COVID-19
- Repairing and reusing household goods could create thousands of green jobs